Halloween Health and Safety Tips


Halloween is a festive, fun holiday for children and adults alike. There is something spirited about this time of year that brings out the little kid in all of us. From the countless parties to costumes and yummy treats, it’s no wonder many of us look forward to the spooky holiday. However, Halloween can also be quite dangerous and brings many people to an urgent care. This year, we encourage you to plan ahead and educate yourself and your family about how to stay safe on Halloween. This includes being mindful when out trick-or-treating as well as opting for healthy snacks rather than only junk food.

Here at Urgentology, we are committed to helping all of our patients stay safe and healthy this Halloween. It is estimated that 41 million children go trick-or-treating every year across the nation, and more than 4,000 injuries are reported on Halloween night. Unfortunately, an estimated 70 percent of all Halloween accidents happen away from intersections and designated crosswalks. This is why it is so important to discuss safety with your children before they head out trick-or-treating. In addition to trick-or-treating safety tips, it is important to get in some physical activity and really focus on safety during this busy holiday season.

We want to help you stay as safe and healthy as possible, so here are a few tips to keep you on track this Halloween:

  • Never Trick-or-Treat on an Empty Stomach – One of the biggest mistakes kids make is trick-or-treating on an empty stomach. To avoid a tummy ache or a trip to our Arlington urgent care center, make sure your kids have a big, healthy meal before heading out. This will also help reduce their candy intake, which is a win-win!
  • Don’t Go Overboard on Candy – While binging on candy is often a part of Halloween, it doesn’t have to be the biggest part. Start by setting limits for how much candy your kids can eat this Halloween, as the last thing you want to deal with is tooth decay because they ate too much.
  • Get Your Flu Shot – One of the best ways to stay healthy this Halloween season is by getting your flu shot. You can get your flu shot right here at Urgentology and you won’t have to worry about it for the rest of the fall and winter.
  • Be Safe When Trick-or-Treating – Whether you are sending your kids out to trick-or-treat with others or you are joining them, it is important for everyone to be careful when walking the streets. Teach your kids to obey traffic laws and pay attention to your surroundings. Make sure your kids use the buddy system and never trick-or-treat alone.
  • Get Some Exercise – Halloween marks the first holiday of the season, and it’s important that exercise doesn’t fall by the wayside. Instead of driving around on Halloween, get some exercise and walk around your neighborhood. This also sets a great example for your kiddos!

If you or your loved ones are injured this Halloween, please do not hesitate to come into our Arlington urgent care clinic. While we hope you have a safe and healthy holiday, we also want you to know we are here for you, should you need medical assistance.

Important: If you have a life-threatening emergency, please call 911 or go to your nearest Emergency Room. Information in this site is not intended to be used as a diagnosis for your symptoms. If you experience any of these symptoms, please seek medical attention or visit Urgentology Care.

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