Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a common type of infection and account for an estimated 6 million office visits every year. Women are more prone to UTIs than men. UTIs usually occur when bacteria from the digestive tract enter the urethra and cause an ascending infection. If not treated, it can progress to pyelonephritis, a potentially life-threatening infection of the kidneys. Symptoms of a UTI may vary, but most people experience a frequent urge to urinate, pain with urination, burning, pressure above the pubic bone, and cloudy or bloody urine.
At Urgentology Care, we provide diagnosis and treatment for UTIs in Arlington. No appointments are needed, but you can contact us online or call (817) 799-7273 ahead of time.
Comprehensive Treatment Options for UTIs
UTIs are usually caused by bacterial infections. This means that an antibiotic will be needed to treat the condition. These will usually clear up a UTI within a few days, although the antibiotic should continue to be taken for the full prescribed time.
If you have recurring UTIs, the treatment strategy changes. You may need to take low-dose antibiotics for several months. Alternatively, some doctors will prescribe one antibiotic to be taken after intercourse if your UTIs frequently coincide with sexual activity.
Strategies to Avoid UTIs
If you’ve had a UTI once already, you may be wondering what you can do to prevent another one from occurring. Here are a few strategies:
- Drink plenty of water (eight 8oz glasses per day is the recommended amount)
- Limit or completely stop drinking coffee, alcohol, soft drinks, and citrus juices
- Wipe from front to back after a bowel movement to completely remove bacteria from the groin area
- Empty your bladder after sexual intercourse
- Some studies have shown drinking cranberry juice can prevent UTIs, although these are not conclusive
- If you use diaphragms or spermicide condoms, try alternative birth control methods as these can cause bacterial growth
If you need to consult a medical professional about a UTI, stop by Urgentology Care in Arlington today or contact us online.