Most Common Foreign Body Removals

Doctor With Clipboard

Foreign Object Removal

A foreign object is something that becomes lodged in the body. Foreign objects can be swallowed, inhaled, or as a result of trauma.

When a foreign object becomes lodged in the body, it is important to have it evaluated as soon as possible. Both adults and children can be the victim of foreign objects but young children are at a higher risk because of their natural inclination to put things in their mouth, nose, and ears.

Contact the professionals at Urgentology Care today to learn more about foreign body removal in Arlington, TX.

Removing foreign objects depends on its location. A foreign body in the eye, ear, or soft tissue will require careful extraction but can generally be performed in a clinic setting. An ingested battery on the other hand is a medical emergency and will require a visit to the emergency room. In any case, if an object gets stuck somewhere in the body, it may require a doctor’s help.

What Foreign Objects Are Most Commonly Swallowed or Inserted?

Young children often place foreign objects in their ears, nose, or mouth and it can be quite dangerous if it is not removed. Some of the foreign objects most commonly found in human bodies, include:

  • Small toys or small toy parts
  • Crayons
  • Coins
  • Food
  • Pencil erasers
  • Buttons
  • Pebbles or other small rocks
  • Seeds
  • Marbles
  • Nails
  • Batteries

There are some objects on this list that can post a more serious threat to the patient than others, such as nails and sharp items. Ingested batteries can cause devastating injuries to human bodies in a short period of time, mainly due to the release of chemicals that can cause burns.

How Are Foreign Objects Removed?

There are different methods for foreign body removal, depending on location of the object and the type of foreign object. In some cases, we may be able to use a gentle suction or small tweezers to grasp the object, whereas other circumstances call for an irrigation wash (eyes).

The doctors and staff at Urgentology Care are often able to perform a foreign object removal right here at our clinic. However, in some more serious cases we may need to send you to the emergency room.

Please call us or visit our urgent care today if you or your child is in need of a foreign body removal in Arlington, TX.

Important: If you have a life-threatening emergency, please call 911 or go to your nearest Emergency Room. Information in this site is not intended to be used as a diagnosis for your symptoms. If you experience any of these symptoms, please seek medical attention or visit Urgentology Care.

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