How to Live With Allergies and Your Pet

Finding out your loved one may be allergic to your pet may send you into a panic. But don’t worry! There are many solutions to keeping your fur baby while successfully managing your allergies.

Diagnosing Your Allergies

Watery eyes, a scratchy throat, and nasal congestion are all signs of allergies. If you have these symptoms after playing with your pup, laying on furniture that they may have come in contact with, or being in the same room as them, you may have an allergy to your pet.

It’s essential to see your doctor to be allergy tested, so you can be confident that your allergies are pet-related and not because of other household allergens such as dust or mold.

Understanding Allergens

It’s important to understand what you’re allergic to. Allergens are allergy-triggering proteins that live in the saliva and glands of an animal’s skin (dander), and fur.

The reactions that someone has will vary. Reactions can range from mild sniffling to life-threatening asthma. Even ‘hypoallergenic’ pets can cause an allergic reaction.

Chances are if you have a cat or dog, you’ve found their fur in places you would never imagine — it gets everywhere. With some proactive measures, you can significantly reduce the amount of dander around your home, reduce your symptoms, and get back to lounging with your pooch.

Reducing Allergens and Symptoms

If you or your family member’s allergies are present but not life-threatening, follow these steps to reduce your symptoms:

1. Create an “Allergy Free” Zone in Your Home

Bedrooms are the ideal space to prohibit your pet’s access to. Switch out mattress covers, sheets, pillows, and any other bed coverings often.

2. Use HEPA Air Cleaners Throughout the Home

While you should use an air cleaner in the room of the allergic person, you should also spread them across the rest of your home. Cleaning the entire home frequently will help keep dander levels to a minimum.

3. Bathe Your Pet

Giving your pet a good bathing every week will help to eliminate dander. Be sure to use products that are specifically labeled for your pet — you can check with your veterinarian or local pet store, or take your pet for a spa day at the groomer!

4. Wash Up After Playing With Your Pet

Whether we cuddle up next to our pet or play a good game of fetch, you will get pet dander on you. Make sure to change your clothes after laying with your pet, and wash your hands thoroughly. Most importantly, never touch your face with your hands directly after playing with your pet! This may risk getting dander in your eyes, or mouth, and may send you into a bad allergic reaction.

5. Try Treatments

Treatments for allergies to pets include allergy shots, nose sprays, and antihistamine pills. If you need help treating your allergies, contact Urgentology Care!

We welcome you and your family to visit our expert medical team. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment ahead of time, contact us today!
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